Tuesday 30 December 2014

42) Become more involved in LGBT issues etc.

***This is a scheduled post***

This year I applied to become a Stonewall Young Volunteer. Actually, I didn't just apply. I got selected. It felt pretty cool, and I was really proud of myself- until I realised that, to take the volunteering 'course', I had to attend a training weekend that just so happened to be the same weekend as Heather Peace. I didn't really think twice, I wanted to go to Heather Peace so badly. Hence, I had to give up my place, which was a bit sucky. However, there are two positives- firstly, I know my application was good enough. Secondly, I can apply again in 2015, and hopefully things will work out for the better. I also feel that this does demonstrate more awareness in LGBT issues; as does mine and BB's performance for Russia, and my insistent wearing of a variety of badges (and top!!), and everything else that I aim to do as much as possible. I consider this one complete. Obviously, I can always always be doing a million times more, but I have become more involved than I was.