Wednesday 3 September 2014

7) Do a 'colour run'

Meet Team Lucky Cat. From left to right, we have Way Up High, We Can't Stop, Crazy Cat Man and The Big D.

On Sunday, we took part in Color Me Rad- the long-awaited colour run!! We slept over the night before, which was very fab and involved tents and cats... Then we set off bright and early the next morning, without even enough time to have breakfast (resulting in a totally healthy egg and sausage roll once we reached our destination); instead, the car journey there was fuelled by cheesy music (Elton John!!) and excitement (and also petrol, presumably).
Once we got there, we took some obligatory before pictures...
In case you can't tell, we had customised tops, made the night before (woo Lucky Cat campout!) using We Can't Stop (aka BB) as our lovely model.
Following that, there was a LOT of coloured powder, some coloured paint and lots of running (hahahaha, all the running). I took way way too many pictures, but here are just a couple...
Waiting to start
Finally- the end result!
Following that, we got changed and joined the huuuge queues to get home (but it's cool, we played Rick Astley really really loud then had the Les Mis soundtrack!!). Then we spent time wandering around town, complete with painty faces and whiskers, which we kept forgetting about and wondering why people were giving us weird looks.
And that's pretty much it to be honest! It was SO SO much fun, and definitely something I want to do again!! Huge huge shout out to my fabulous team-mates!! <3
Painty Lucky Cat close-ups