Saturday 21 June 2014

23) Wear a scary piece of clothing in Bristol (crop top or shorts)

Post taken from Facebook. Would also like to add in- this was such a big anxiety thing. I hate my body so so much, to the point where I refuse to weigh myself because I know it will become too much of a big thing. I cannot look in the mirror and like what I see. I have big anxiety issues surrounding my body. For me, this was a really important item on my list of 50 things, and I'm so so pleased I accomplished it!!!
As a society, we are conditioned to believe that the way we look defines us. We cannot escape from it, and we cannot win- people are constantly being slated for being too fat, too thin. We are judged, instantaneously, based upon how we are presented. Does it really matter how we look?! Aren't our looks the tiniest parts of us, merely vessels to the amazing beings we are inside? I believe so, that true beauty is something felt, not seen. However, that does not grant me immunity. I still spend time looking in the mirror, turning this way and that, labelling myself as fat. I still try on clothes only to force back tears, acknowledging that my body is not perfect, that I should be hiding it in the best way possible, not letting people see my insecurities. I can tell from sight whether a dress will hide or accentuate my stomach, and if it's the latter, I keep a wide berth. But you know what? I've had enough. I am done with looking in the mirror and hating what I see, I am done with letting society dictate what I should and shouldn't be wearing. I want to be comfortable, and I want to be happy. When I body shame, I do no good- I'm not changing anything, I'm just making myself feel more down, and I am sending out the message to others that I too believe we are defined by our looks, that those lucky enough to have good bodies have a monopoly on clothing that the rest of us are denied. I am so sick of being physically scared by clothing that could show off my imperfections. So, I've decided to challenge that. For the first time since I really began to notice the hold society has on me, I have bought a pair of shorts. That in itself was a big step, trying to find a pair that I deemed okay. However, the next part was infinitely scarier. Today, in weather that made the thought of jeans unbearable, I stepped out in the afore-mentioned shorts, showing off my size 12-14 thighs to anyone and everyone. It was scary. I'm not going to lie. At first, I was sure everyone was looking, was sure everyone must be inwardly grimacing, wondering why on earth anyone larger than a size 6 would choose to show off their body. However, as the day went on, I relaxed. I met up with friends, and we had a lovely lovely afternoon. I quickly felt comfortable, and I realised it was okay. I was wearing clothes I had chosen to wear, not because of the dictations of society, but because of what I wanted. I wore shorts, and it was fine.
I guess I should probably tie this up with some kind of point. Here goes. What I am trying to say is that it doesn't matter. Size 6, size 16, size XXS to XXL, it does not matter. Your beauty is never defined by the label in your clothing, and the size of your body does not dictate what you are and aren't allowed to wear. You can choose to cover your body up from head to toe, you can choose to wear a bikini- but make that your choice, not the choice of others. Your body is an amazing thing- it's keeping you alive, after all! Don't waste time hating it, berating it for not being what can only be achieved through photoshop and careful photography. Do not turn away from that beautiful dress, your head full of negative thoughts about how it will make you look 'bad'. You like it? You get it, you wear it! I am learning to love my body, and I hope others will love theirs, too.

(Also, y'know what? This outfit made me feel fab. I looked like any woman enjoying the sun and being carefree. I like that.)