Tuesday 20 May 2014

10) Get published somehow

I have done this one, and I am still dancing on air.
Last week, I posted about it being Mental Health Awareness Week. Shortly after I wrote that post (which, admittedly, was also used on Facebook), I saw a request from a blogger (Twitter: @JessicaRdctd) for guest posts for her blog, based around MHAW. I thought there would probably already be too many, but I took a chance and emailed her, and was delighted when she said that there was still room. By Friday, I had emailed off my post (albeit at the expense of my Psychology revision!).
The post was published today- cue lots and lots of jumping and giggling and smiling and being very very incoherent (and completely ruining the afternoon calm in the Humanities office, whoops)! I am so so pleased that I was published somewhere other than this blog, which is mainly read by friends- as I said, it was a real blog read by real people (not that you aren't real, people reading this, but you know what I mean!). The people who have read it have been incredibly, breath-takingly supportive beyond words (totally not been emotional at any point of today...), and I'm really pleased that I took a chance in submitting it. It's also been a reminder of how amazing and supportive the people around me are- had some of the sweetest comments today!! It wasn't easy- but so far, so good!!
For anyone who's interested, here's the post I wrote!