Wednesday 12 February 2014

45) Spread the word about equal rights in the Winter Olympics!

How did I complete this one? Well, I've been wearing my top as much as possible (seen here, in my awesome pic!). At present, that picture is also my profile picture on all my social networking sites. I also wrote this piece, which I felt summed up my views pretty neatly. Then, on Monday, BB, another friend and I did a performance specifically for Russia (with love)- we chose to do three LGBT-related songs, of course- our set was:

Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You (Kate Nash cover)
I really like this song 'cause it's fun and dancey and it has the line 'you are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl', which is adorable.

If She's The One, by Ellis Paul
If She's the One by Ellis Paul on Grooveshark
This is a really beautiful song, and one of my most played songs on iTunes! It's just so gorgeous :3

Pride (Amy Macdonald)
This is one of my absolute favourite ever songs, and it's always a joy to perform!! I also really like it because I can relate it to stuff (gonna be mysterious and leave it at that!) which is yay :)

We also included a bit of a speech (totally not written at 10pm the night before), which I then rewrote to use on Facebook/Twitter etc.- here's the rewritten version!

The Winter Olympics started on Friday, in Russia. Recently, Russia passed a law that makes life very difficult for LGBT people; essentially, they cannot be themselves, or love who they choose, simply because there are people in the government who are scared of anything different to what they know of life.
This makes things very difficult for any LGBT athletes currently competing in Russia. The Olympics are about people competing and celebrating sport in it's diversity. They are not about the persecution of minorities based on who they happen to love- which is part of the reason people are so angry at the Russian government.
There's also a far bigger picture. This is a reminder of the awful problems facing LGBT people all around the world; a reminder that there are people being silenced, tortured, killed for daring to be open about who they are.
This is a colossal situation of love being met with hate, and it's one that everyone needs to fight- because if we're not fighting for love, what else is there? At some point, everyone finds something worth fighting for, and you can almost guarantee it'll be linked to love, one way or another.
One day, there'll be a place for everyone to live freely, to love freely, to walk hand in hand and shout to the world how lucky they are. Until then? We keep going, keep fighting, and we stand strong together.

(So yeah, I think I've done this one).