Thursday 19 December 2013

Number 2- Write And Perform An Original Composition

I haven't actually done two of these in such a short amount of time; it's just that, with the end of the year so close, I've been looking back at my list, and realised that I have some that I've done but haven't 'uploaded' yet. So there'll be a few more of these over the next week or so!
Anyway, thanks to AS Music, I completed this last term (when I didn't have a laptop!). Though the writing of the composition was fairly basic and... um... a little weird, and the performance was only to our teacher (GG!), it definitely still counts! Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me upload the recording -_- But rest assured that it was weird, wonderful, and truly fabulous! ('The llamas are coming and they've eaten your head/I'm sorry dear but now you're dead')