Thursday 12 December 2013

Number 16) Own A Venus Flytrap

At the beginning of 2013, I thought this would be one of the easiest things to complete. After all, it merely required a trip to B&Q and a bit of money. And yet, it's taken me this long to get it done! I am awful. Anyway, in the end I got it for myself as a reward- last Friday marked 100 days of being self-harm free. It's been far from easy, but I am ridiculously pleased, and I really want to keep it up- hopefully when I see my Venus Flytrap, I'll remember how good it felt to get to that milestone, and why I need to keep going. Also, just in case you're wondering- she's called Mahogany. Don't ask. Blame the Womb Buddies.

Yay Mahogany :)
Bird's Eye View ;)