Sunday 22 December 2013

22) Get a job

When I wrote out this list, back in 2012, my plan for this year was to get a job as soon as I turned 16- and by a job, I meant a part-time, paying thing. However, around the time I turned 16 was when I was quite ill, and with sixth form and everything I didn't really feel much better, so I decided that it was in my best interests not to get a job, but to do things one step at a time, and focus on sixth form/getting better first. This is a choice I still totally agree with- I think I wouldn't have coped with a job, and that, given the circumstances, I've taken a much better route for myself. And yet, I still consider this one done. Why? Well, who said a job can't be voluntary? I teach swimming for 2 hours every week, and do basic coaching for another hour. I've also become the club announcer, and give up a fair bit of my time for that, all in all. It might not be a paid job, but it's still where I work, and it's what I do. Therefore, I'm considering this one complete.