Wednesday 27 February 2013

Number 31: Overcome A Fear

Well, Gambia definitely achieved this! I overcame several fears- for example, the fear of embarrassing myself (I danced crazily in front of many people), the fear of being away from my family for two weeks (they were a lot more worried than I was!) and the fear of bugs/reptiles (okay, not totally over it, but Gambia definitely helped- you either liked spiders/preying mantis'/lizards or you got to like them!). I also overcame a fear of being eaten alive (by touching a crocodile!) and kept my cool with the circumcision man (scary- and thought-provoking- as he was). Finally, I think I've finally shaken off my fear of the dark (can I really admit to this!? Well, I just have- and as I'm over it anyway...)
So yeah! Lots of things I was scared of before I'm now less so. And heeere's photographic proof ^.^

Touching A Crocodile

Circumcision Man


The Preying Mantis